Hi, I’m Ali Anderson.

* Researcher * Educator * Advocate * Speaker *

My passion for health began at an early age. In high school, I owned a book called “Symptoms.” My friends would call me to look up their latest symptoms. “What is causing my headache?” or “Why does my stomach ache?” they would ask me.

Soon after my love of wellness began, I was presented with my own health issue with an autoimmune diagnosis at just 15 years of age. There was no medication to use at the time, and the best advice was from well-intentioned doctors telling me to take care of my body. Over the years, I took this advice to heart.

Fast forward two decades. After the birth of my third and last child, I unconsciously decided to become a supermom. As a stay-at-home mom, I could do everything for everyone, right? Wrong. I thought it was normal to stay up until midnight to get things done and then wake up before 6:00 a.m. to get my kids ready to start another great day. I was eating healthy, and I was exercising, but I was not considering another huge health factor – adequate rest!

Sure enough, an autoimmune symptom - cloudy vision - appeared. I let it creep in through the cracks of an unrested, busy lifestyle. Lucky for me, I had the support from friends and family to get adequate rest. My vision cleared up immediately, but that was my wake-up call. I locked into to Joyce Sunada's words, “If You Don't Make Time For Your Wellness, You Will Be Forced To Make Time For Your Illness.”

After my wake-up call, I learned about Functional Medicine, and I was hooked. I started digging deeper into the role of nutrition and lifestyle on the body’s overall wellness, and I knew there was no turning back. Personally or professionally. I signed up for webinars whenever I could and attended weekend retreats with my favorite leaders in the field. And when the time was right, I officially enrolled in school at Functional Nutrition Alliance (FxNA) and continued my education through many other certification and instructional programs. Please see below for my educations and/or contact me if you would like to see my full resume.

Today, three and half decades after my diagnosis, I am symptom-free and considered a trusted voice in the autoimmune and longevity space. Ali Anderson Wellness, LLC helps others like you who are looking for ways to improve their health. My clients are interested in identifying the hidden stressors behind their symptoms and committed to making lasting lifestyle changes. If you are experiencing a new symptom or have recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, I would love to help you discover changes you can make to improve your health.

As a Functional Wellness Practitioner, I help you take a step back, dig deep, and look for the hidden stressors that are causing your symptoms. We work together to discover and maintain nutrition and lifestyle changes that improve how you feel every single day. Like so many of you, I am a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, and a friend. In the end, we all want to be healthy, feel well, and live long and well-nourished lives.

Warm wellness wishes,

My trainings

I have a deep thirst for knowledge. As you will see below, I have graduated from several elite functional wellness schools, taken loads of additional coursework, received many high level certifications, and received my board certification as a holistic health practitioner. I don’t expect my desire to continue learning to stop anytime soon. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more about any of my coursework.

Functional Nutrition Alliance, Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP)

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P)

Functional Nutrition Alliance, Full Body Systems

The Wahls Protocol Practitioner (Wahls Certified)

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Practitioner (AIP Certified)

Liz Lipski’s Advanced Nutrition Mentorships

Trudy Scott’s Balancing Neurotransmitters and GABA

Institute for Nutritional Endocrinology; Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner

Innovative Healing Digestive Wellness

Josh Gitalis Functional Nutrition

Institute for Integrative Nutrition Practitioner + IIN’s deep dive Hormone Health Course + IIN’s deep dive Gut Health Course (INHC)

The School of Applied Functional Medicine

Optimal Dx Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

The Kharrazian Institute coursework: Save your Brain course, Oral Tolerance coures, Autoimmunity Course, Gut Health Course, Food Sensitivities course, 3D Immune Tolerance course and the Chronic Inflammation course

YourLabWork Functional Labwork

FDN Advance Coursework: Advanced Gut Health + Advanced Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis + Advanced Functional Blood Sugar Management + Advanced Heart Wellness

Chris Kresser Institute High Cholesterol Action Plan

Terry Wahls additional coursework: Autoimmune Intervention Mastery + Remyelination workshop + E stim course

Mosaic Diagnostics Discovering the Power of Organic Acids

Commune Holistic Well-Being Courses

Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute (PLMI)

Metabolic Healing Courses: Introduction to Estrogen + Blood Sugar & Insulin Resistance Mastery Course + Mastering Functional Lab Analysis + Understanding MTHFR Genetics & Methylation + Implementing Methylation and Biochemistry + Estrogen Metabolism & Methylation

Seeking Health Educational Institute course: Understanding the Ketogenic diet + Fundamentals of Genetics + Genetic Testing and Reporting

SIBO SOS Masterclass

Square One Healing Cancer Coaching Program, 2017 & 2021

Metabolic Mentor University

Future Coach with Eben Pagan

Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach

Women & Autoimmune Disease course

… and more…